Weekly Photo Challenge: Gone, but not forgotten

Well this is the easiest theme for the weekly photo challenge – Gone, but not forgotten.

There is only one thing that comes to mind – Robert Walker Dickens… my dear friend who left us way too early in life, back in 2011 😥

Suicide and the Narrative of Choice

I published a small post about Robin Williams last week, and although I don’t normally have much “heavy” stuff on my blog, I’d like to reblog this post in memory of my dear friend Rob who we lost a little over 3 years ago to suicide.
widgie widge widgie my friend – always in my thoughts xxx


Whilst reading about the tragic death of the great Robin Williams I repeatedly stumbled upon the narrative of choice. Places like Psychcentral spoke about suicide being an “insidious choice”, but a “choice” nonetheless, so much so that they repeated the word to drive the message home. Meanwhile, whilst perusing social media I repeatedly came across variations of “people who commit suicide are selfish”, “how can anyone do that to their family?”. These sorts of comments make me twitchy. We’ve all heard them before.

In my own case they were personalised and weaponised, “How could YOU do that to your children? Do YOU not care about them?” I did, that was the problem. For some time I had felt like a millstone around the necks of my family. I loved them, but hated myself and could only see the ways I made their lives worse. After 2 failed suicide attempts in…

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