Wordless Wednesday: With a few words

Well hello there!

It’s been over two months since I last posted – disgusting, I know.

Yes, I have been trying to continue on the quest to do ‘something new’ each week of my life and some weeks I manage, and some weeks I don’t. I guess that’s called ‘life’, right?

I’ve had some great times (holidays with family, fun times with friends), and I’ve had some shitty times (my cat Olly passing away) over the last couple of months…. and I’ve had the times where I’ve just enjoyed sitting alone on the couch at home.

Just Emmett and I now ❤

I’ve travelled (to China!), I’ve raced (on the Great Wall!), and my latest accomplishment in life is getting back into the gym – with a personal trainer! – to get this body back to its full potential 🙂


Great Wall Half Marathon

Smashing it at the gym!

And halfway through 2019, life is generally good!

  • Exam results come out soon
  • September sees a holiday to the USA with a wedding and lots of friend catch-ups in the mix
  • October sees the start of more studies
  • We still have 6 months to make this year GREAT!

Next lot of studies 🙂

Week 29 – My girls and exams!

What a week this was – the week of 16 to 22 July!

I returned home from my fabulous holiday in Zanzibar with the family on Sunday 15th July… back at work on the 16th, and then on the 17th I received my results for my first lot of exams written for my English Degree….

and I passed them!!!!!
Year 1 down, hopefully only another 3 to go, depending on if I end up splitting any others (or failing anything 🙈 )

And to celebrate my passing (well, it was just coincidental that it was the same night as my results but it turned out great) was a night out with the girls to go watch the Mamma Mia 2 movie before it hit the big screens 🙂
This was SUCH a fun night out with the girls…. and watching the movie in a cinema full of Mamma Mia absolute fans was great as every song was sung along to!

Thanks girls for making my day extra special ❤

Week 18 – Exams, and post-exam celebrations!

I am finally done with studies and exams – well, for the next 5-ish months at least 🙂
What a week it has been!

I had the week off work last week to assist me with my exam preparation – I had no idea how stressful it was going to be and decided that since I had the leave available, I may as well spend my hours at home studying instead of trying to cram everything in in the evenings when I got home.. and it was the best decision I’ve ever made! I woke up each morning when my body was ready, then hit the gym, and then got stuck into studies for a good 6 hours or so each day… and then wrote 2 exams!

What an experience that was! Obviously I’ve experienced a similar situation before when I left school, but honestly, I barely remember that time in my life (it was very many years ago!) and doing it all again as a full-blown adult (GAH!) has been a massive challenge. And I still have at least another 3 years ahead of me before I get to say that I do indeed have a degree to my name… but, we’ll worry about that as the time goes on.

For now it was just focusing on these 2 exams… which I’ll only get my results for in July/ August so watch this space!

And of course, writing exams meant that there needed to be some post-exam celebrations and my friends did a fabulous job of helping me through that 🙂

The celebrations started on Friday immediately after the exam when I went past J and we cracked open the first beer… and then carried on that night at a pub with friends.

And the big one was then going to watch Monty Python’s Spamalot at the Opera on Saturday evening! What fun that was!!! I am a massive fan of Monty Python and when I saw these tickets go on sale I immediately bought a bunch and then recruited some friends to join me 🙂 And it was the best time! I laughed away all the stress from the past few months… definitely a perfect way to end off the post-exam celebrations!

If you’re a fan of Monty Python, I highly recommend seeing this show! The actors are absolutely brilliant, and the cast have been chosen so well for their parts that they actually look very similar to the cast of the original ‘Holy Grail’ movie! It is super impressive!

I now look forward to having my evenings to myself again (am expecting a fair amount of boredom!) and having the time to get out there each week and work on these something new’s again!