Life in South Africa

Hello friends, family, followers!

Time for a quick check in!

Well, life has pretty much become ‘normal’ being back in Africa 💛
I get to see my family whenever I want (which is at least once a week); my nephew (who’s only 1) knows exactly who ‘Aunty Hazy’ is, something that he wouldn’t have known had I still been in Dubai; my business is starting to take shape; I’ve been graded as an amateur boxer  🥊 ; and I live in the best house, on the little farm in the suburbs  🥰

I’ve managed to get out to the bush on multiple occasions since moving home – one of my absolute happy places – as well having travelled to Cape Town and St Francis Bay to visit family and friends. There’s nothing like an African sunset!

Well, that’s really all I have to say for now… enjoy these sunsets!

Until next time  😁 

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